Different Drug Treatment Facility Types

If you have a drug or alcohol problem and you are looking into drug treatment facilities, then you have already taken a very important step. You'll want to know about the different options out there and what you can expect. This article will give you some insight into the different types of programs there are and what they have to offer you. Detox facility If you are regularly drinking or regularly using hard drugs, then you may need to go to a detox facility first. Read More 

Experiencing Stress In The Workplace? Two Effective Ways To Reduce Stress

The most recent annual American Psychological Association's (APA) Stress in America survey says that work-related stress affects 61% of Americans. In APAs most recent Work and Well-Being survey, 59% of employees whose employers do not provide counseling or other mental health resources feel stressed daily, as opposed to 33% of employees whose employers do provide resources.  If you are experiencing work-related stress and your employer does not provide resources through your workplace, you will benefit from seeking help on your own to reduce the stress you feel at work. Read More 

When Life’s Transitions Are Too Much: Do You Need Counseling?

Life has a way of throwing things at you, sometimes when you are least equipped to handle them. While this happens to just about everyone at some point, when these transitions create problems or a pause in life, you may need outside help in getting through them and that's okay. People need to heal and adjust at their own pace and through different means. 1. What Are The Major Transitions? Read More 

Heading Out Of Town For Spring Break? How To Have Fun And Avoid A Relapse At The Same Time

If you're in college, you know that spring break is right around the corner. If you're recovering from a drug or alcohol addiction, you know that spring break can be a real struggle. If your friends are planning a trip for spring break, your addictions don't necessarily mean that you need to sit it out. However, they do mean that you need to take some precautionary steps before you take off for a fun week with your friends. Read More