Types Of Negative Thinking That Can Sabotage Your Happiness

Negative thinking is a powerful thing that can make every day feel miserable. In fact, if you have negative thought patterns, you may be able to "think" yourself out of feeling happy when things go well. The good news is that negative thinking isn't a natural born affliction that you're forced to live with for the rest of your life. Therapy can help you lose the loud, harsh voice that negative thinking can feel like. Read More 

Anxiety: Why It Isn’t Just Fear, And How To Manage It Without Pills

People without anxiety tend to think that anxiety is just another word for fear. For those that experience some form of anxiety every day, it is much more than just fear. It is an overwhelming sense of fear about particular places, people, or events. This sensation causes sufferers to ignite their biological fight or flight response every second they are in these situations, and may even temporarily paralyze them until they are free of the situation. Read More 

A Hypnosis CD Might Boost Motivation For Strength Training

Hypnosis has been utilized for a number of different self-improvement endeavors. Weight loss, quitting smoking, and alleviating depression are all reasons why people seek out hypnotherapy. A not-so-common reason would be to improve and increase strength. And strength means literal strength: the ability to lift heavy weights. Fitness enthusiasts hit the gym with the express purpose of increasing muscle mass to attain functional strength. Lifting free weights is the best way to do this. Read More 

Helping a Teen Overcome a Pornography Addiction

Finding out that a teenager has a pornography addiction can be a complicated thing to experience as a parent. The first thing that you must do is figure out how to approach your teen about the problem. You don't want to bring the issue up in the wrong manner because it might cause your teen to react in a negative way, such as not wanting to talk about it. There are several things that can be done to resolve the problem in a cordial manner. Read More