Dealing With Anxiety During COVID-19: What You Can Do

If you are experiencing heightened fear and anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic, you are not alone. Millions of people are living with anxiety in the United States, and many are experiencing more severe and increased symptoms as a result of the pandemic. However, knowing this may not be a total comfort to you. Luckily, there are ways that you can deal and cope with your anxiety during COVID-19 that may be able to help you feel better. Read More 

4 Signs It’s Time To Seek Therapy

When going through hard times and when it feels like there's no one around to help you through your problems, you may want to consider seeing a therapist. Adults of all ages and situations choose to see a therapist to work through their personal problems and issues. You don't ever have to go through a tough time all on your own. Here are some signs it may be time to seek therapy: Read More 

Is Suboxone Treatment Right For You?

Drug addiction can destroy people's bodies and lives. No matter how long you've been using drugs, stopping as soon as possible is the best choice. Quitting drugs can be hard, but there are treatments available to help you, including medication-assisted regimens like suboxone treatment. If you're just learning about suboxone treatment, there are probably many things you don't know yet. Here are four facts about suboxone treatment that can help you decide if it's the right choice for you. Read More 

3 Major Benefits Of Checking Into A Holistic Drug Treatment Center When Battling Addiction

Being addicted to drugs is no joke. It can have serious repercussions on many aspects of your life. If you're looking for help, you might consider checking into a holistic drug treatment center. Doing so benefits you in so many impactful ways.  Professional Massage Therapy When your body feels good, so does your mind. You thus can benefit tremendously from massage therapy when battling an addiction. This form of healing is readily available at a holistic drug treatment center. Read More 

Tired Of Tantrums Long After The Terrible Twos? Therapy May Be The Best Solution For Your Frustrated Family

While arresting children for throwing tantrums may be too extreme for most parents, sometimes outside help really is needed. It can be the key to resolving the issues behind the tantrums, thereby putting a stop to them and, finally, restoring peace and stability to the family dynamic. If you've reached your wits' end with your child's fits and fury, particularly since they're long past the "terrible twos," children's therapy may be just what the doctor ordered. Read More