How Visual Imagery May Reduce Your Anxiety Symptoms

Suffering from chronic anxiety can leave you feeling sad, tired, and fearful, and it can be hard to overcome these negative feelings and emotions. While doctors can help you with anxiety issues by prescribing medication, there are ways you may be able to beat your anxiety naturally. One method you may want to look into is called visual imagery or guided imagery. This method involves focusing on good things to help you learn to control your thoughts and feelings. Read More 

Parenting Tips: 3 Ways To Encourage Healthy Sibling Relationships

Americans love big families, and approximately 80% of all Americans have at least one sibling. Needless to say, there's a good chance that your child can expect a sibling to appear sometime in their life. Although you might love your siblings, getting along with them is a different story. Looking back at your relationship with your siblings, you may remember a lot of arguments and fights amidst the good times. As a parent, here are 3 ways you can encourage healthy sibling relationships and put sibling rivalry to rest. Read More 

5 Reasons For Relocating After Completing A Drug Addiction Treatment Program

When a drug addiction takes over every moment of your life, only the help of the professionals at an in-patient treatment program can set it back on track again. But no matter how steady and in-control you feel when you leave an in-patient program, heading back to your former home city can trigger you to return to your old behaviors and habits. Find out how moving to a new city directly from a rehabilitation program is the best way to break the cycle of addiction through the power of relocation. Read More 

3 Ways Regular Meditation Can Help You Manage Your Anger Problems

If you suffer from anger issues, it can be difficult to regain control of your emotions and remain calm in the face of stressful situations. One of the most straightforward and effective methods of managing anger is meditation. Specifically, meditation can help reduce your outbursts in the following ways: Meditation Allows You to Observe Your Emotions Many people in the West consider meditation to be the absence of any thoughts. However, this isn't quite true. Read More 

Need Marriage Counseling? 4 Tips for Dealing with a Resistant Partner

Marriage counseling is a good investment for the future of your relationship, even before problems occur. If you have a partner who is not open to the suggestion of attending counseling, there are ways to help cope with your partner's resistance and possibly encourage them to reconsider. Figure Out the Real Reason Do not immediately assume your partner is resistant to the idea of counseling because they do not see problems in your relationship or are being defiant. Read More