Heading Out Of Town For Spring Break? How To Have Fun And Avoid A Relapse At The Same Time

If you're in college, you know that spring break is right around the corner. If you're recovering from a drug or alcohol addiction, you know that spring break can be a real struggle. If your friends are planning a trip for spring break, your addictions don't necessarily mean that you need to sit it out. However, they do mean that you need to take some precautionary steps before you take off for a fun week with your friends. Read More 

7 Benefits Of An Executive Coach

Being an effective leader can make the difference between your business failing or succeeding. Executive coaches exist to teach you the best ways to take charge of your business life and your life in general. Here are a number of ways that an executive coach can help you.  1. Specific Focus You have an idea what areas require the most work. Maybe you specifically need help with your social media or your public speaking skills. Read More 

Helping Your Marriage Survive Chronic Illness

When your spouse or child is diagnosed with a life-altering medical condition, your life is changed forever. Not only does living with medical challenges present some strains on your lifestyle and your family dynamic, but the cost of care and emotional toll it can take on family members can often result in marriages failing.  If a loved one in your family has recently been diagnosed with a chronic illness, here are some things you can do to help keep your marriage strong even though there are trials ahead: Read More 

Not Quite Ready For Drug Treatment? Seek Help From These Sources

When you're a drug addict, it's important to realize that getting treatment can and potentially will save your life. If you continue to go down the path that you're currently on, your health is at a serious risk. While it might seem like an obvious choice to visit a treatment facility, the reality is that you might not be ready — and it might be better to wait until you are, rather than attempt treatment and fail at it. Read More 

Types Of Negative Thinking That Can Sabotage Your Happiness

Negative thinking is a powerful thing that can make every day feel miserable. In fact, if you have negative thought patterns, you may be able to "think" yourself out of feeling happy when things go well. The good news is that negative thinking isn't a natural born affliction that you're forced to live with for the rest of your life. Therapy can help you lose the loud, harsh voice that negative thinking can feel like. Read More